Patrick Leamer

Patrick Leamer


Can withstand 4.5 minutes in a cold plunge

Able to push myself to vomiting on assault bike sprints


Nine years coaching experience with wonderful people of all shapes, sizes, ages.....

About Coach

I had a long career in tech and somewhere along it, I found CrossFit. It was wonderful to find something that gave me a stress outlet, challenged me every day, and I could draw a straight line from my participation in it to self-improvement both physically and mentally. I am now fortunate enough to be a partner in a couple of CrossFit gyms and share all the goodness that CrossFit can provide to people. My latest focus has been on how to stay vigorously active, strong, and healthy into my 60s, 70s, and hopefully 80s.

Turning Point

My turning point was my first CrossFit class at CrossFit Santa Clara. I was 39 and had always been "in shape". I had a long record of working out at traditional gyms, ran 10ks, Halfs, and even a marathon but I was so unprepared for my first CrossFit class. My workout was five repeats of five pull-ups, ten push-ups, fifteen air squats, and a fifty meter sprint. I was astounded at how horrible that felt and bought my one-year membership on the way out of the gym that day.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose and passion for coaching and owning my gyms is to give others a venue for health and fitness. To a large degree, we have a very unhealthy culture today. Our expectations of health as we get older seem to be good management of conditions through pharmaceutical interventions. I believe that so many of those are avoidable with good nutrition, sleep, and a physical fitness routine. We should expect to live active and vibrant lives well into old age maybe even right up to the day we fall over dead :)

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